In the News
Can You Make Enough Vitamin D from Sunshine Alone?
Friday, May 13, 2022
Another study assessed vitamin D levels among 449 traditionally living Africans from five ethnic groups and found that the average vitamin D level was 43 ng/ml (107 nmol/L) in non-pregnant adults and 56 ng/ml (139 nmol/L) in pregnant women; these are natural levels achieved by sun exposure only, no supplementation continue reading
Alberta – Supporting women entrepreneurs
Friday, May 13, 2022
Additional loan funds are now available to help women entrepreneurs get easier access to capital in order to create jobs and help diversify the economy. continue reading
Amazing health benefits of the sun
Thursday, May 12, 2022
As the days get longer and warmer, Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, highlights seven benefits of the sun. continue reading
Tanners Have Canada’s Highest Vitamin D Levels
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
According to Schwalfenberg’s paper, regular sunbed users have mean vitamin D levels of 94 nmol/L — or 38 ng/ml. In contrast, the Canadian average was around 68 nmol/L — or 27 ng/ml. continue reading
Coaching Your Sales Staff
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Sales is a key component to any thriving retail business, and it’s not an easy skill to master. Every salon relies on its staff to demonstrate this ever-changing skill while working as a team to provide clients with a pleasant experience. continue reading