In the News
We know that the sun causes deadly skin cancer, so why are we still tanning?
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
The Canadian Dermatology Association has launched a TikTok challenge aimed at a younger demographic to raise awareness of sun safety. continue reading
Can You Use Artificial Sunlight as a Sunshine Supplement?
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Indoor UV devices are artificial sunlight options that can provide a wide spectrum of sunshine health benefits from UVA, UVB, visible light, red light and infrared waves continue reading
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma prognosis may vary depending on the types of fats consumed before cancer treatment
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
According to a new study published in The Journal of Nutrition, patients with advanced stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma that consumed a diet high in long-chain fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids prior to cancer treatment had reduced risk of all-cause mortality. continue reading
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 270
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 270
Interesting article. I noted that you recommended keeping medications away from direct sunlight. That is probably good advice provided we do not follow the same advice for our bodies. The major cause of Parkinson’s is lack of sunlight (note, I did not say vitamin D, which does little good for Parkinson’s though it has terrific effects on other diseases).… continue reading
Can You Make Enough Vitamin D from Sunshine Alone?
Friday, May 13, 2022
Another study assessed vitamin D levels among 449 traditionally living Africans from five ethnic groups and found that the average vitamin D level was 43 ng/ml (107 nmol/L) in non-pregnant adults and 56 ng/ml (139 nmol/L) in pregnant women; these are natural levels achieved by sun exposure only, no supplementation continue reading