In the News
Improve Fitness and Muscle Health by Improving These Levels
Monday, June 27, 2022
Vitamin D (at recommended levels of 50 ng/ml or higher) helps build skeletal and bone tissue, maintain bone health, support fast-twitch muscle fibers, and decrease post-exercise inflammation and muscle damage – yet nearly 90% of US adults are below 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) continue reading
Alberta – Electricity rebates to start arriving on July bills
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
More than 1.9 million homes, farms and small businesses will receive monthly credits of $50 on their July, August and September electricity bills, for a total of $150 in rebates. continue reading
Extending fuel tax relief for Albertans
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
“We’re helping Albertans save money through the fuel tax relief program at a time of need. While fuel prices have continued to increase nationwide, Albertans still pay considerably less than their provincial neighbours. We’re pleased to extend this important relief measure until the end of September.” continue reading
“Vitamin D deficiency is (still) the most common nutritional deficiency in the world…”
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
A new editorial by Cavoretto and Vigano has just been published online (July 2022) to call attention (once again) to the need for routine vitamin D assessment and supplementation, especially in pregnancy. continue reading
Skin Cancer and Nutrition: Stop blaming the sun
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
In the rush by dermatologists and sunscreen companies to demonize sunlight exposure as the universal cause of skin cancers, there has been a total disregard for another factor that strongly protects against, or strongly promotes, skin damage: What we eat. Nutrition, according to whether it is healthful or noxious, can have either profoundly positive or negative influences on the skin. continue reading