In the News
“Smiley Curves” Illustrate the Association between UVB Availability and Disease Incidence
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
These findings, along with others demonstrating the relationship between sunshine exposure and disease incidence, are a strong indication that increasing sun exposure at a population level may substantially decrease the rates of these diseases continue reading
Diseases Associated with “Sunshine Deficiency”
Friday, May 20, 2022
While modern lifestyles keep many indoors and out of midday sunshine most days of the year, sensible sunshine exposure has been shown to have a positive impact on health and can help protect against disease, helping people live longer. In fact, the known health risks associated with low vitamin D levels and lack of sun exposure are summarized by many, including Hoel and De Gruijl, who conclude that moderate UV exposure from the sun, without burning, is a health benefit and should be recommended as such. continue reading
BDC – What to do about rising interest rates
Thursday, May 19, 2022
This is an opportunity for business owners to re-evaluate the benefits of cost certainty versus playing the market with a floating rate. continue reading
Nutrients that Help Protect the Skin from UV Damage
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Research over the past several decades has revealed that a higher intake of several specific nutrients corresponds with less UV induced skin damage, less photoaging, and less incidence of skin cancers continue reading
Stop Shunning Your Intuition
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Our reliance on data and experts and tools has become so exhausting because we have lost our most important form of intelligence in the process: intuition. By looking for answers solely from the outside world instead of looking within, we invalidate our innermost voice. continue reading