In the News
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
How The Antioxidant Power Of Vitamin D Promotes Healthy Aging*
mbg Supplement Editor
By Morgan Chamberlain
mbg Supplement Editor
Morgan Chamberlain is a supplement editor at mindbodygreen. She graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Science degree in magazine journalism and a minor in nutrition.
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Monday, March 13, 2023
The Vitamin Deficiency Linked To Opioid Addiction
Cheap supplements could help to fight opioid addiction.
Vitamin D deficiency may exaggerate the desire for opioids, so increasing the risk of addiction, a study finds.
It suggests that simple and cheap vitamin D supplements could help to fight opioid addiction.
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Thursday, March 9, 2023
Your association or organization has been identified as a key stakeholder of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). We hope you will share the following information with your membership.
Deadline to apply for the one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit is March 31, 2023
There’s still time for eligible Canadian renters to apply for a tax-free payment of $500; the application deadline of March 31, 2023 is fast approaching.…
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Thursday, March 9, 2023
High Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts
The sunshine hormone reveals surprising effects on several disease at doses far beyond official guidelines
Supplements such as vitamins D and E are essential to skin health, especially if fish or other suggested foods aren’t readily available.
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