In the News

Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 316

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 316 Regular sun exposure is also conducive to good sleep. Those who enjoy time in the sun daily sleep more soundly and are able to sleep 45 minutes per night longer. A study by Dr.… continue reading

Gym, Tan, Red Light? Red and Near-Infrared Light Enhances Muscle Performance and Recovery

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Gym, Tan, Red Light? Red and Near-Infrared Light Enhances Muscle Performance and Recovery

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
The laundry can wait. It seems the new routine for fitness and self-care fanatics and should definitely be Gym, Tan, Red Light Therapy.
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Canadian Dermatology Association media release for National Sun Awareness Campaign

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
The Canadian Dermatology Association launches its month-long National Sun Awareness Campaign, and its partnership and support of Melanoma Canada’s Mole Mobile Skin Cancer Screening Unit. OTTAWA, ON, May 1, 2023 – The Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) launches its month-long Sun Awareness Month campaign, urging Canadians to learn about the causes and early warning signs of skin cancer.… continue reading

Research Shows Lifetime Sunshine Exposure Can Help You Live Longer

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Published on May 2, 2023

Studies show how more sunshine in your life can help you live healthier, longer, and that avoiding sunshine could be the 4th major lifestyle factor leading for an early death

Key Points

  • Researchers discovered the mortality rate for women who avoided sun exposure was two times higher than those with the highest sun exposure, with an intermediate mortality rate in those with moderate sun exposure; those same researchers have determined that low amounts of sunshine exposure could be considered the 4th major lifestyle factor for health, after low exercise, smoking, and obesity
  • There are consistent epidemiological data that mortality is highest among those people classified into the lowest group for serum 25(OH)D [vitamin D] or for sun exposure
  • 340,000 deaths per year in the United States and 480,000 deaths per year in Europe, as well as a rise in many diseases, could be attributed to insufficient sun exposure or “sunshine deficiency, and the United States could expect to see a potential reduction of as much as 336,000 deaths per year and direct cost reductions upwards of $130 billion each year if everyone were to reach a vitamin D level of at least 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L)
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?
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New Sunshine Webinar May 9th – Register to learn how to convert UV tanners into cocktail clients!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Register to learn how to convert UV tanners into cocktail clients! Register here for the event:    … continue reading

Why Join?

Salon owners – it's time to join forces and make a mark in the tanning industry. To maintain and develop a prosperous indoor tanning industry in Canada by educating Canadians on how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the manageable risks of responsible UV exposure. We will pursue continuous improvement of the perception of tanning amongst Canadians through scientific facts and research that support indoor tanning as an intelligent, controlled choice for UV exposure.

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  • Insurance Discounts
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