In the News

Response Letter to G&M article of Apr 28 & 30 from the CDA

Friday, May 4, 2007
Cheryl Rosen Canadian Dermatology Association Sun Awareness Program Toronto As you indicate (Vitamin D Casts Cancer Prevention In New Light – front page, April 28; Five-Point Vitamin D Primer -April 30), vitamin D is known to benefit musculoskeletal health, and emerging research is pointing to a possible protective effect offered against some cancers by maintaining adequate levels of this vitamin.… continue reading

Northern aboriginal people urged to boost vitamin D intake

Friday, May 4, 2007
In light of recent research that suggests vitamin D could reduce incidences of certain cancers and multiple sclerosis, health experts are urging northerners, and aboriginal people in particular, to spend some time in the sun and take in more vitamin D in food or vitamin supplements.… continue reading

Tanning found to protect against melanoma by releasing tumor suppressor protein

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
By David Gutierrez There may be a relationship between the process that causes the body to tan and its defenses against skin cancer, according to a study conducted by scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and published in “Cell.” Tanning has actually been found to prevent cancer tumors.… continue reading

Five-point vitamin D primer

Monday, April 30, 2007
SIRI AGRELL Do you put on sunscreen if the curtains are open? Think tanning beds are for sorority girls? Live in Vancouver? Well, it might be time to get a little more natural light in your life as researchers suggest that the vitamin D produced by sun exposure has a number of profound health benefits.… continue reading

Vitamin D Cancer Study Excites Scientists

Monday, April 30, 2007
Talk about a rock and a hard place. Doctors have been telling you for years to make sure you put on sunscreen when you go outside during a brilliantly bright day, to ensure you don’t get skin cancer. But now a new study shows some exposure to the sun helps your body make Vitamin D – a substance that can potentially ward off a large number of other types of even more serious cancers.… continue reading

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Salon owners – it's time to join forces and make a mark in the tanning industry. To maintain and develop a prosperous indoor tanning industry in Canada by educating Canadians on how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the manageable risks of responsible UV exposure. We will pursue continuous improvement of the perception of tanning amongst Canadians through scientific facts and research that support indoor tanning as an intelligent, controlled choice for UV exposure.

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