In the News
Website Rates Hundreds Of Sunscreens
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Washington, D.C. – Today, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the first-ever, in-depth analysis of the safety and effectiveness of more than 700 name-brand sunscreens. The new database lists products that offer the best combination of safety and effectiveness: they are formulated with the safest chemicals, are most effective at protecting against sunburn, and help prevent long-term damage caused by the sun’s UVA rays, which are linked to skin aging, wrinkling and, potentially, cancer.… continue reading
Survival of the sickest: Questions you wouldn’t ask your GP
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
By Gabrielle Fagan
Wearing suncream and sunglasses in the summer is something we do automatically, but there may be a surprising price for those ‘health-conscious’ choices. In fact, shades and lotion could put you at risk of sunburn or even affect your bones, according to Dr Sharon Moalem whose researches in his new book, Survival Of The Sickest, reveal controversial new facts about our bodies.… continue reading
Vitamin D And Health, Health Canada
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Vitamin D And Health, Health Canada Main Category: Nutrition / Diet News Article Date: 16 Jun 2007 – 3:00 PDT | email to a friend | printer friendly | view or write opinions | Article Also Appears In DermatologyPublic Health rate this article Health Canada is aware of the growing body of evidence on the role of vitamin D in relation to health.… continue reading
Correct suntan notions
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Janelle Miles
HEALTH experts have sought to allay public fears about vitamin D deficiency in Australia by releasing guidelines on the required levels of sun exposure. Cancer Council Australia guidelines take into account the intensity of the sun in different parts of the country – so while in Queensland you should always be covered up, southerners need some sun exposure.… continue reading
Vitamin D vindication for Fabutan President
Friday, June 15, 2007
Doug McNabb
In February, 2006 Fabutan and myself as president of the company were forced to reach an agreement with the Canadian Competition Bureau, a division of the Canadian government. The agreement stated that Fabutan was permitted to promote indoor tanning as a source of vitamin D and resulted in headlines across the country acknowledging the same.… continue reading