In the News
From industry castoff to potential medicine
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
By Robert Cooke, Boston Globe Correspondent
By poking through thousands of industrial chemicals, scientists report that they have found a new drug that, for the first time, improves the grim outlook for patients with the most dangerous form of skin cancer.… continue reading
Sunscreen safety & effectiveness
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Eyewitness News (New York – WABC) – It is one of those must-have summer items: sunscreen. But for something so important, there are no performance standards for sunscreen. Now, there is a new push for FDA standards to address how much protection sunscreens really offer.… continue reading
Why vitamin D is so vital
Monday, July 16, 2007
Grey skies this summer mean that children are more at risk of developing weak bones and other diseases, says Oliver Gillie After the worst midsummer weather on record, you may feel something is missing – not only the sun but the sunshine vitamin, D.… continue reading
Health/ScienceStudy shows children lack Vitamin D
Friday, July 13, 2007
More than half of otherwise healthy children in a study had low blood levels of Vitamin D and some were so deficient that they could develop serious health problems in later life, including rickets, according to a new study.… continue reading
Vitamin D Fights Colon Cancer
Friday, July 13, 2007
By Daniel J. DeNoonÂ
People with higher blood levels of vitamin D are less likely to get colon cancer, a large-scale study suggests. Harvard School of Public Health researcher Kana Wu, MD, PhD, and colleagues looked at data from a large, ongoing study of male health professionals who provided blood samples for analysis.… continue reading