In the News

So how come we didn’t know about vitamin D?

Thursday, June 28, 2007
WARREN BELL AND ALAN CASSELS Think health policy-makers make decisions about what’s in the public’s best interest and based on the best science? Think again. While it may seem that decisions about health policy are made by people driven by concern with the public good, it’s clear they get lots of help, encouragement and advice from corporate CEOs whose key concern is not the public good, per se, but keeping shareholders happy.… continue reading

Questions about vitamin D

Thursday, June 28, 2007
days if you are reading about health studies, chances are they have something to do with vitamin D. The latest study, released Thursday, showed that vitamin D cut the risk of several types of cancer by 60 per cent overall for older women.… continue reading

Good day sunshine, goodbye supplements?

Thursday, June 28, 2007
By Judah Issa Lay on the suncreen, say docs Throw away that sunscreen, the sun’s healthy again. That’s what your patients may think after reading about a rash of new studies that find vitamin D can prevent, well, everything under the sun.… continue reading

Though totally preventable, rickets still bowing bones in some Canadian infants

Thursday, June 28, 2007
It ought to be something found only in the pages of medical texts and period novels, but the bone-bending – and entirely preventable – condition known as rickets lives on in modern-day Canada. A new study estimating the rate at which the condition occurs suggests the message of rickets prevention isn’t getting out as effectively as it should, lead author Dr.… continue reading

More vitamin D can put more pep in seniors’ steps

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
By Charnicia Huggins NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Declining physical performance among some Dutch seniors may not be a simple consequence of aging, it may actually be due to a vitamin D deficiency, results of a new study suggest. “Physicians and the general public should be made more aware of the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, and more effort should be concentrated on the early detection and treatment of people with suboptimal levels of vitamin D,” study co-author Dr.… continue reading

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