In the News
Is the sunshine vitamin the way to beat asthma?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Researchers point out the rise in asthma has come at the same time as a decline in exposure to the sun Researchers say that lack of vitamin D could be involved in the increase in asthma and allergies.… continue reading
Too little milk, exercise, sunshine hurting kids
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
WASHINGTON — Too little milk, sunshine and exercise: It’s an anti-bone trifecta. And for some kids, shockingly, it’s leading to rickets, the soft-bone scourge of the 19th century. But cases of full-blown rickets are just the red flag: Bone specialists say possibly millions of seemingly healthy children aren’t building as much strong bone as they should — a gap that may leave them more vulnerable to bone-cracking osteoporosis later in life than their grandparents are.… continue reading
Alarm sounded on vitamin D deficiency
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Pregnant South Carolina women share a dangerous deficiency of vitamin D, according to early findings in a new Columbia-based study, and the health implications are far-reaching. Data from a study of 117 pregnant white and Hispanic women in Columbia showed 75 percent of them were vitamin D deficient.… continue reading
Deficiency of sunlight exposure may raise endometrial cancer risk
Monday, November 26, 2007
By David Liu
( — Deficiency in exposure to sunlight particularly ultraviolet (UVB), meaning low vitamin D level, may increase risk of endometrial cancer, according to a new study by researchers at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California- San Diego.… continue reading
Vitamin D may curb type 2 diabetes risk
Monday, November 26, 2007
By Megan Rauscher
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – During a 17-year follow-up of roughly 4,000 men and women, researchers found that individuals with higher blood levels of vitamin D had a 40 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with lower levels of this vitamin.… continue reading