In the News

Vitamin D dose study adds weight to intake increases

Monday, December 17, 2007
By Stephen Daniells Doses of vitamin D3 of 2,000 International Units (IU) – the current tolerable upper intake level (UL) in Europe and the US – are needed to ensure blood levels of the vitamin amongst post-menopausal African-American women, says a new study.… continue reading

Australians not getting enough sunlight

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Doctors say Australians have become so fearful of skin cancer from exposure to the sun they are not getting sufficient sunlight to provide adequate vitamin D. Dr. Terry Diamond, an endocrinologist in Sydney, estimates that 20 percent to 30 percent of the population suffers from vitamin D deficiency, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.… continue reading

Most ancient case of tuberculosis found in 500,000-year-old human; points to modern health issues

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
AUSTIN, Texas—Although most scientists believe tuberculosis emerged only several thousand years ago, new research from The University of Texas at Austin reveals the most ancient evidence of the disease has been found in a 500,000-year-old human fossil from Turkey. The discovery of the new specimen of the human species, Homo erectus, suggests support for the theory that dark-skinned people who migrate northward from low, tropical latitudes produce less vitamin D, which can adversely affect the immune system as well as the skeleton.… continue reading

Vitamin D and endometrial cancer

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
GBG Health and Wellness, GBG liquid vitamins, Vitamin D, cancer, liquid vitamins, nutritional supplements, vitamins The first study linking low serum vitamin D levels to an increased risk of endometrial cancer was recently reported in the journal Preventive Medicine [2007 Nov; 45(5):323-4].Previous… continue reading

Gene-Based Sunscreen Might Someday Prevent Skin Cancer

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Gene-Based Sunscreen Might Someday Prevent Skin Cancer A topical drug could strengthen cells’ DNA, animal studies suggest By Alan Mozes Posted 12/7/07 FRIDAY, Dec. 7 (HealthDay News) — Research is shedding new light on sunscreens that might someday prevent or treat skin cancer by reversing dangerous gene mutations caused by overexposure to the sun.… continue reading

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