In the News
Interview with Dr. Rhonda Low – Lung cancer & Sunlight
Thursday, December 20, 2007
181 Glebe Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 2C6 Ph. 613.567.0706 Fx. 613.567.0315 TRANSCRIPT Media Outlet: CIVT-TV (Vancouver) Date: Dec 18/2007 Program: CTV News Live at 5 Time: 17:55 Anchor / Reporter: Colleen Christie Length: 02:30 Topic: Interview with Dr. Rhonda Low Colleen Christie: Dr.… continue reading
High proportion of non-white students found to have insufficient vitamin D: study
Thursday, December 20, 2007
TORONTO – A study of vitamin D levels in more than 100 University of Toronto students has found a much higher proportion of non-white participants had insufficient levels of the vitamin in their blood compared to white students. The pilot study, which hasn’t been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal yet, was conducted in February and March at the university’s Mississauga campus.… continue reading
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Humans carry a lot of cultural baggage when it comes to skin colour, but to scientists it is increasingly a simple matter of a vitamin. Around the world, scientists have observed that the farther human communities live from the equator, the lighter their skin colour tends to be – the result of an evolutionary adaptation related to vitamin D synthesis.… continue reading
Vitamin D: It is important to know your levels
Monday, December 17, 2007
By Nikolas Hedberg
When was the last time you had your vitamin D levels checked? And why should you know? Vitamin D is not just a vitamin important for bone health and the prevention of rickets. It is a prohormone that is essential for regulating calcium metabolism, cell growth, cardiovascular dynamics, immune/ inflammatory balance, neurologic function and genetic expression.… continue reading
Misreported by Junk Science Media, Ill-Informed Health Researchers
Monday, December 17, 2007
By Mike Adams
Conventional medical researchers around the world are scratching their heads over new research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine that shows a strong correlation between depression and osteoporosis. Amazingly, none of them apparently have the presence of mind to consider the simple, common cause behind both conditions: Chronic vitamin D deficiency.… continue reading