In the News
Vitamin D Council
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Today’s Globe and Mail printed the best press article ever written about vitamin D,The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real? Many of you asked what you can do to help. One thing you can do is add a comment on the Globe and Mail’s website after you read the above article.… continue reading
The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real?
Monday, March 10, 2008
In the summer of 1974, brothers Frank and Cedric Garland had a heretical brainwave. The young epidemiologists were watching a presentation on death rates from cancer county by county across the United States. As they sat in a lecture hall at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore looking at the colour-coded cancer maps, they noticed a striking pattern, with the map for colon cancer the most pronounced.… continue reading
Round-the-World News About Vitamin D
Friday, March 7, 2008
Research reports keep rolling in on the importance of vitamin D in our diet-beyond its familiar role in helping us to build strong bones. Here are some of the findings: Periodontal disease, in a dental study of 6,700 people from 13 to 90, the gums of patients with higher blood levels of vitamin D were 20 percent less likely to bleed.… continue reading
Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D
Friday, March 7, 2008
By Zhu, K. Articles By Prince, R. L.
The Endocrine Society Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Hip Bone Mineral Density and Calcium-Related Analytes in Elderly Ambulatory Australian Women: A Five-Year Randomized Controlled Trial Kun Zhu, Amanda Devine, Ian M.… continue reading
Scientists in search of winter flu prevention
Friday, March 7, 2008
Posted in: Health flu flu viruses
This winter has been one of the worst flu seasons in recent memory, and researchers are trying to explain why. They believe that the flu is so potent in the winter due to cold temperatures.… continue reading