In the News
Vitamin D, influenza link
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tom Blackwell, National Post
It has already been touted as a simple protection against certain cancers. Now the Public Health Agency of Canada wants to study whether vitamin Dcould fight influenza, too. The department has commissioned a novel study into the possible link between the nutrient and flu in senior citizens, suggesting a shortage of vitamin-producing sunlight may make Canadians more susceptible to the virus.… continue reading
Renowned Doctor Says Best Way to Obtain Crucial Vitamin D Is From Sun
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Dr. Karl Gruber
CHARLESTON, S.C.– As many as half of all U.S. children and adults are vitamin D deficient and new evidence shows a link between low vitamin D levels and cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases, according to experts. Researchers and doctors say the vitamin D problem can be solved if people spend more time outside on a sunny day.… continue reading
Getting a good dose of vitamin D
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
UNION-TRIBUNE – Medical and nutrition experts offers some ways to get more vitamin D in your life: The National Institutes of Health recommends getting about 10 minutes of sun exposure on your arms, legs and hands two to three times a week without using sunscreen.… continue reading
Fifty Percent of Americans are Vitamin D Deficient
Friday, February 29, 2008
There’s something simple you can do to help protect yourself against ailments ranging from cancer to depression. Chances are, you’re not taking the cure. It’s vitamin D — and some experts believe as many as 50 percent of healthy adults and children are deficient in this essential nutrient.… continue reading
D Is for Debate
Friday, February 29, 2008
Robert Langreth
A controversy is brewing over vitamin D. Will an extra dose protect you from cancer and infections? Vitamin D builds strong bones. That’s what everyone knows. The discovery of how to isolate this nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium led to a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1928.… continue reading