In the News
Round-the-world News About Vitamin D
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Research reports keep rolling in on the importance of vitamin D in our diet-beyond its familiar role in helping us to build strong bones. Here are some of the findings: Periodontal disease, in a dental study of 6,700 people from 13 to 90, the gums of patients with higher blood levels of vitamin D were 20 percent less likely to bleed.… continue reading
Vitamin D Council
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Today’s Globe and Mail printed the best press article ever written about vitamin D,The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real? Many of you asked what you can do to help. One thing you can do is add a comment on the Globe and Mail’s website after you read the above article.… continue reading
The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real?
Monday, March 10, 2008
In the summer of 1974, brothers Frank and Cedric Garland had a heretical brainwave. The young epidemiologists were watching a presentation on death rates from cancer county by county across the United States. As they sat in a lecture hall at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore looking at the colour-coded cancer maps, they noticed a striking pattern, with the map for colon cancer the most pronounced.… continue reading
Round-the-World News About Vitamin D
Friday, March 7, 2008
Research reports keep rolling in on the importance of vitamin D in our diet-beyond its familiar role in helping us to build strong bones. Here are some of the findings: Periodontal disease, in a dental study of 6,700 people from 13 to 90, the gums of patients with higher blood levels of vitamin D were 20 percent less likely to bleed.… continue reading
Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D
Friday, March 7, 2008
By Zhu, K. Articles By Prince, R. L.
The Endocrine Society Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Hip Bone Mineral Density and Calcium-Related Analytes in Elderly Ambulatory Australian Women: A Five-Year Randomized Controlled Trial Kun Zhu, Amanda Devine, Ian M.… continue reading