In the News

The Big “D,” VITAMIN D … to prevent the Big “C”

Thursday, October 18, 2007
The level of hype and propaganda in this year’s breast cancer awareness month has risen to a new low. The American Cancer Society, as usual, appears to be absolutely worthless in all this, still failing to teach women the No. 1 way to prevent a whopping 77 percent of all cancers: Sunlight and vitamin D.… continue reading

Vitamin D Inadequacy May Exacerbate Chronic Pain

Thursday, October 18, 2007
( — Approximately one in four patients who suffer from chronic pain also have inadequate blood levels of vitamin D, possibly contributing to their ongoing pain, according to a new study. Patients lacking sufficient vitamin D also required higher doses of morphine for a longer period of time.… continue reading

Cancer Organizations Spread Major Myths About Cancer

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Organizations designated to disseminate accurate information about cancer actually spread most of the modern myths surrounding this disease, says Bill Sardi, author of the book You Don’t Have To Be Afraid Of Cancer Anymore ( ). (PRWEB)  — Cancer information bureaus claim cancer is not contagious, surgery doesn’t spread cancer, sugar doesn’t make cancer grow faster, hair dye doesn’t cause cancer, and use of sunscreen lotion prevents skin cancer.… continue reading

The D debate: How much of the vitamin to take

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
MARTIN MITTELSTAEDT When it comes to knowing how much vitamin D to take, Canadians can be forgiven for being confused. The Canadian Paediatric Society, the Canadian Cancer Society and Health Canada all say people need the sunshine vitamin, but that’s where the agreement ends.… continue reading

Vitamin D: Explosive new player in heart health

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
By Dr. William Davis Let me provide a little history first. I’ve always been interested in reversal of coronary heart disease. Ten years ago, I began using CT heart scans to track heart disease, since heart scans yield an easy-to-track “score.”… continue reading

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Salon owners – it's time to join forces and make a mark in the tanning industry. To maintain and develop a prosperous indoor tanning industry in Canada by educating Canadians on how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the manageable risks of responsible UV exposure. We will pursue continuous improvement of the perception of tanning amongst Canadians through scientific facts and research that support indoor tanning as an intelligent, controlled choice for UV exposure.

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