In the News
Friday, May 16, 2008
News Byline: Tom Blackwell
National Post Breast cancer patients with too little vitamin D are much more likely to die or have their malignancy spread than those with enough of the nutrient, concludes a new Canadian study that adds to a growing body of evidence on the vitamin’s health benefits.… continue reading
Go to Google NewsTips on getting vitamin D for cancer prevention
Friday, May 16, 2008
Evidence is growing that vitamin D, which the skin makes from sunshine, is linked to lower risk of breast cancer and other cancers. But that doesn’t mean it’s good to get a golden tan — and certainly not a sunburn.… continue reading
New JCTA Facts & Myth Brochure
Friday, May 16, 2008
Dear JCTA member,
The New JCTA Fact Brochure called “The Canadian Tanning Experience” is ready to download or preorder copies. Each JCTA member will receive 50 copies FREE. To view the brochure, go to the Media Section of the website. The Brochure is full color and contains Facts and Myths about our industry, tanning, vitamin d, skin cancer, and SPFs.… continue reading
Friday, May 16, 2008
Dear JCTA Members:
Each year the annual Sun Awareness Week sponsored by the Canadian Dermatology Association and the Canadian Cancer Society brings with it a large amount of negative media. This year the week they are planning the annual fear driven campaign is May25 – June 1st.… continue reading
Vitamin D may prevent prostate cancer
Friday, May 16, 2008
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Vitamin D not only can be used as a therapy for prostate cancer, it can prevent prostate cancer, a University of Rochester Medical Center suggests. The study, published in the International Journal of Cancer, finds vitamin D links with the gene G6PD increases its activity and the production of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.… continue reading