In the News
Vitamin D: Builds Bones And Much More
Thursday, July 17, 2008
ScienceDaily — Vitamin D is essential to strong bones. Inadequate vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis, a brittle bone disease. Recently, researchers have found that vitamin D may help reduce the risk of other diseases. Fall prevention: With age, decreasing muscle strength can increase the risk of falls and bone fractures.… continue reading
SUN 101: Shedding Some Light
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
KANSAS CITY, Mo. _ Here’s a heated debate: Is the summer sun more good or more bad? For the sun-sensitive, the sun is one big, flaming irritant _ too hot, too bright, too much. But for sun worshippers, old Sol represents fun, freedom, happiness.… continue reading
Vitamin D levels tied to colorectal cancer survival
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer who had abundant vitamin D in their blood prior to diagnosis were less likely to die during a follow-up period than those who were deficient in the vitamin, researchers report. “Although our findings are premature and require further exploration,” lead investigator Dr.… continue reading
Why heavy weather makes you fat
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
By Auslan Cramb, Scottish Correspondent
Dieters struggling to shed a few pounds have a new excuse for failing to lose weight – the grey British weather. Scientists claimed people who were overweight had lower levels of vitamin D, which is created when skin is exposed to sunlight.… continue reading
Bacteria: Friends or Foes?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Much of medicine, health, and the food industry focus on bacteria as a source of disease. The general message the public gets is more bugs are more problems. Kill the bugs, solve the problem. Unfortunately this message fails to inform us that without bugs we would not exist.… continue reading