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Vitamin D prevents Breast Cancer
Vitamin D prevents Breast Cancer

Posted By : by Uzma
Breast cancer is responsible for the death of millions of women throughout the globe each year. This grim ripper has stretched its claws and snatched the lives of some men as well. Fortunately, a little extra fun in the sun can help an individual to prevent this disease. Studies have shown that Vitamin D can help reduce the risks of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.
Getting optimum amounts of Vitamin D3 is one of the most inexpensive and effective ways of protecting oneself from cancer. In fact, according to, a study by a group of Canadian researchers belonging to Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute located at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto shows that women who spend a lot of time outside during their teen years and early adulthood are up to seventy seven per cent less likely to suffer from breast cancer.
Vitamin D, which is often referred to as the sunshine drug, is believed to increase the production of a tumor suppressor known as 15-PGDH. It is also know to suppress aromatose which is known to catalyze the production of estrogen in breast cancer cells. Vitamin D can also help suppress the production of COX-2 which is what makes it harder to get a proper prognosis in patients suffering from breast cancer.
The results from the studies have shown that up to six hundred thousand breast cancer cases could be prevented each year if people got a little more Vitamin D3. The amount of breast cancer deaths could also be reduced by a whopping 30% if more people were exposed to higher levels of Vitamin D.
However, most people are not very fond of the sun because too much UV rays can result in skin cancer and other skin diseases. Fortunately, according to the same study, light skinned people only need about fifteen minutes in the sun to get sufficient amounts of Vitamin D. Most scientists agree that this period of time is not at all harmful.
Dark skinned people will have to spend a little longer to get the necessary amount of Vitamin D. Also, people who have applied sunscreen are also required to spend more time in the sun. It is advisable for anyone wishing to spend more than fifteen minutes in the sun should apply some sunscreen in order to prevent other skin conditions.
However, people who live in areas that are above forty degrees north in latitude, for example citizens of Canada, may find it difficult to get the required amount of about 1000 International Units of sun during the winter. For such individuals, Vitamin D from fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon is recommended. They can also take Vitamin D from multivitamins as well as supplements in order to get the required daily amount.
Therefore, people should stop viewing the sun as their enemy. They should instead embrace some of its good qualities and soak in some Vitamin D. By doing so, they will be able to keep breast cancer and several other diseases at bay.