Member Updates
JCTA Elections for 2007
Friday, January 25, 2013
JCTA Members, Please be advised that it will not be necessary to hold elections for the 4 board positions that were up for election in 2007. One person was nominated for each position allowing us to forego elections for this year.… continue reading
Vitamin D Awareness Month
Friday, January 25, 2013
By Andrew Wilmot
Vitamin D deficiency drains billions of dollars from Canadian healthcare system The Vitamin D society, a Canadian non-profit group organized to increase awareness of the many health conditions strongly linked to vitamin D, has calculated the cost of vitamin D deficiency on the Canadian health care system to be no less than $9 billion dollars annually.… continue reading
Vitamin D Deficiency Drains $9 billion From Canadian Health Care System
Friday, January 25, 2013
KELOWNA, BC – Research this year has left no doubt that vitamin D deficiency – which affects an estimated 97 per cent of Canadians in the winter – is nothing less than a Canadian crisis and a worldwide problem. This is why Canada’s Vitamin D Society is recognizing the month of November as the world’s first Vitamin D Awareness Month.… continue reading
Give the gift of light for Christmas
Friday, January 25, 2013
KELOWNA, BC – As last-minute shoppers scurry to complete their lists there’s one Christmas gift that will give friends and family warmth and some much-needed vitamin D – an indoor tanning session. Canada’s northern latitudes make us among the most vitamin D-deprived people in the world during the dark winter months.… continue reading
Response to Dr. Low’s comments on tanning equipment
Friday, January 25, 2013
Dr. Low, I am the President of the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) as well as the President of Fabutan Sun Tan Studios. I am contacting you on behalf of the JCTA regarding your story on Vitamin D and lung cancer.… continue reading