Member Updates
Regulations in New Brunswick
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Salons are not following the regulations which started June 23rd 2013 continue reading
Update on Alberta Legislation
Monday, March 3, 2014
Dear JCTA Alberta Members, Our lobbyist over the weekend found out the legislation was considered and killed for this session. This could come back in the next session. It time we all started visiting our local politician so they hear both sides.… continue reading
Alberta to introduce legislation – Artificial Tanning Act
Friday, February 28, 2014
Dear JCTA Members
The Alberta government looks like they will be introducing legislation for indoor tanning – “Artificial Tanning Act” sometime next week. I got a call (02.28.14) from a reporter wanting to know if we had a copy of the Act.… continue reading
New Warning Labels from Health Canada
Thursday, February 20, 2014
New Warning Labels from Health Canada
Dear JCTA Members,
Health Canada has finalized the new UV Tanning Equipment warning labels with a few changes from the current label that will become effective May 7, 2014. These labels will be required for any piece of equipment sold after May 7, 2014 whether new or used.… continue reading
Reminder JCTA Executive Director on Holidays
Friday, January 31, 2014
Executive Director on holiday. If you need help contact continue reading