Member Updates
Sunday, July 13, 2014
As a Member of the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA), we invite you to nominate individuals or yourself as a potential Candidate in the 2014 JCTA Board of Directors Election. continue reading
Results of the Vote for “Take Control, Regulate Ourselves or be Regulated”
Monday, June 30, 2014
Results of the Vote for “Take Control, Regulate Ourselves or be Regulated”
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Members voted to accept the ban under the age of 18 with medical exemption and using a new JCTA Warning signs.
The results of the vote;
All 3 Provinces combined 90%
Alberta 96%
Saskatchewan 74%
Manitoba 92%
Now that the prairie provinces have voted to accept an under 18 ban with medical exemption, along with posting warning signs, the JCTA Board of Directors will prepare a game plan to move this forward.… continue reading
JCTA Update 06.13.14
Friday, June 13, 2014
Update on all provinces that are looking at regulations and regulations that started in the last few months. And more continue reading
JCTA Members from AB, SK MB vote on whether to take control
Friday, June 13, 2014
We had a meeting with the Alberta Health Ministry on May 12th, and it was suggested that we take control before the government controls us. Members vote for accepting the teen ban and new JCTA warning sign continue reading
Review of 2014 CCS Stats and Special Report on Skin Cancer
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
JCTA Review of CCS 2014 Stats. This should hopefully help with questions from your clients continue reading