Member Updates

NEW Manitoba Regulations coming in November

Friday, October 31, 2014
Received a call from Manitoba Health Ministry to discuss new regulations for the industry this week. They are updating the regulation and will start some time in November. continue reading

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held Oct 4th, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
AGENDA ITEM #1: Can you use a Sunbed to make vitamin D?
  • Reviewed multiple Medical specialist comment re: “Can you use a Sunbed to make vitamin D and are there other benefits from Sunbeds other than making vitamin D?”
continue reading

JCTA Update 10.10.14

Friday, October 10, 2014
Highlights of the AGM, regulations, government newsletter, industry research, base tan and more continue reading

Vote for Directors

Friday, September 26, 2014
Please read post continue reading

Please do the Ontario Medical Exemption Survey

Thursday, September 18, 2014
Please take the Ontario Medical Exemption Survey. Numbers count when it comes to dealing with government continue reading

Why Join?

Salon owners – it's time to join forces and make a mark in the tanning industry. To maintain and develop a prosperous indoor tanning industry in Canada by educating Canadians on how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the manageable risks of responsible UV exposure. We will pursue continuous improvement of the perception of tanning amongst Canadians through scientific facts and research that support indoor tanning as an intelligent, controlled choice for UV exposure.

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Here are some good reasons for you to join!

  • Insurance Discounts
  • Government Relations
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  • Scientific Research
  • Member Resources
  • Business Growth
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Positive Marketing
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