Member Updates Ad Campaign
Friday, November 20, 2015
Dear JCTA Members,
To counter the JCTA created which will redirect people to and the section on Base Tans. Since this is a Saskatchewan campaign we’ll be targeting the ads to the Prairie Provinces for now. Please let me know if you see the… continue reading
Response Information for
Thursday, November 19, 2015
The JCTA has created a response to the and created a counter marketing campaign continue reading
New Website from Saskatchewan
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Dear SK Salon Members
A salon owner from SK has just notified the JCTA on a new website – . The JCTA is doing a full review right now. We’ll have a response and information for you as soon as we can.… continue reading
Annual General Meeting and Financials Report
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
JCTA 2015 Annual General Meeting presentation continue reading
Annual General Meeting to Streaming Live on Periscope
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
After surveying the membership and finding an inexpensive way (Thanks Nik) to broadcast the 2015 Annual General Meeting at Smart Tan Downtown Nashville Convention, November 14th at 5pm CST we’ll be streaming live for your enjoyment on Periscope!! continue reading