Member Updates
Thursday, June 22, 2017
As a Member of the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA), we invite you to nominate individuals or yourself as a potential Candidate in the 2017 JCTA President & Board of Directors Election. continue reading
Latest JCTA Government Newsletter
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
With summer upon us, more and more adults are choosing to go outside to enjoy the season; have fun in the sun, and in many cases, get a tan. continue reading
JCTA Update 06.08.17
Thursday, June 8, 2017
JCTA Update 06.08.17
Hope everyone is having a great prime season. My wife’s salon has had up and down season this year. I mean we are doing the numbers we did last year in some months and up in others. Our best month was May with a 33% increase in sales over last year.… continue reading
US Melanoma Week Starts May 1st
Friday, April 28, 2017
Please be prepared for USA Melanoma Monday May 1st and the week. continue reading
NEW Name for JCTA Consumer Facebook Page and more
Friday, April 21, 2017
New Name for Consumer Facebook page, new sponsored post videos continue reading