Member Updates
BC Salons Link to Protocols for Gym and Tanning
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
I see no need to change you protocols on your website if you uplaoded both the JCTA guide and the Draft protocols. The reason, I see no need to confuse your client with gym related protocols, if you're not a gym. continue reading
Links to Updated Information for Businesses COVID-19 Updated May 25th
Monday, May 25, 2020
Links to Updated Information for Businesses COVID-19
Updated May 25th 2020
General Information posted by media for Relief Programs
COVID-19: Economic relief measures announced to date
Rent relief for Landlords – applications open May 25th
NEW website for getting help for Business or Personal… continue reading
Saskatchewan Set to reopen June 8th – Government Protocols being Developed
Friday, May 22, 2020
Tanning Salons will be allowed to open June 8th, so long as the Chief Medical Officer sees no increase in COVID-19 cases. continue reading
Manitoba Set to Reopen June 1st – Chief Medical Officer Has Final Say
Friday, May 22, 2020
Manitoba Tanning Salons will be allowed to open June 1st, so long as the Chief Medical Officer sees no increase in COVID-19 cases. continue reading
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
JCTA Members may nominate any individual who is eligible to become a JCTA Director based on the Constitution and Bylaws of the JCTA. A copy of the Constitution and Bylaw can be found on the JCTA website ( in the Member’s Area. Member Nominations starts now and close November 1st, 2020 continue reading