Member Updates
New Interim Prairie Provinces Salon Director
Thursday, June 18, 2020
New Interim Prairie Provinces Salon Director
Dear JCTA Members,
The JCTA Board of Directors met June 17th for a normal Board Conference Call. In March JCTA called for nominees for an Interim Prairie Provinces Salon Director seat. The JCTA Board voted and would like to introduce our newest Board Member, Sherri Buckle from Cold Lake Alberta.… continue reading
JCTA Monthly Membership EFT Payment to resume July 10th
Thursday, June 18, 2020
As of July 10th, the JCTA will start processing monthly payments for memberships. continue reading
Alberta Tanning Salons Can Open June 12th with Restrictions
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Alberta salons get ready to oen. Reopening information you'll need continue reading
Ontario Reopening by Region starting June 12th
Monday, June 8, 2020
June 12th is the opening date, except for the Golden Horseshoe Ares and Windsor/Essex. continue reading
Toronto Reopening Personal Services Protocols
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Toronto has done up guidelines for reopening Personal Services. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN REOPEN. continue reading