Member Updates
JCTA Update 09.21.12
Friday, January 25, 2013
JCTA Update 09.21.12 1.
NEW Media Campaign coming by the end of the year.… continue reading
Understanding the Peel Region Bylaw on indoor tanning
Friday, January 25, 2013
September 27th, 2012
The council for the Peel Region passed a bylaw for indoor tanning facilities. You can find the bylaw at Below is a brief understanding of the bylaw 1.Bylaw Starts January 1st, 2013 2.Ban under the age of 18 a.This… continue reading
JCTA collecting Doctor’s prescriptions for UV Tanning
Friday, January 25, 2013
JCTA collecting Doctor’s prescriptions for UV Tanning Dear JCTA Members, We are looking for as many doctor’s prescription for UV tanning to prove to the government that there is medical benefits and doctors know it. This is very important because if a teen ban is enactedat least we can convince the government they need medical exemption in the regulation as we have done in BC and Ontario.… continue reading
From the Viamin D Society Website
Friday, January 25, 2013
Vitamin D stories for you from the VDS webpage: Low Levels of Vitamin D Indicate Much Higher Risk for Heart Attack, Early Death Low levels of vitamin D are associated with a markedly higher risk of heart attack and early death in a large study that involved more than 10,000 Danes.… continue reading