Member Updates
Be Prepared for a Private Member’s Bill to be Introduced April 13th – TEEN TANNING BAN
Friday, January 25, 2013
Dear Salon Owners, Please forward this email to anyone you know in the industry
Be Prepared for a Bill that will be introduced to the Ontario Government by the NDP Health Critic France Gelinas to BAN TEEN TANNING. We suggest if contacted by the media that you forward them to the JCTA for us to respond.… continue reading
Moderate exposure to UVB light key to solving vitamin D deficiency: MD
Friday, January 25, 2013
TORONTO — May 3, 2010 — Its time to take a common sense approach to UVB
light exposure primarily because moderate UVB light exposure year round will help solve Canada’s vitamin D deficiency epidemic, says Dr. Zoltan Rona, a Toronto doctor specializing in complementary and alternative medicine.… continue reading
light exposure primarily because moderate UVB light exposure year round will help solve Canada’s vitamin D deficiency epidemic, says Dr. Zoltan Rona, a Toronto doctor specializing in complementary and alternative medicine.… continue reading
JCTA Update 05.30.10
Friday, January 25, 2013
JCTA Update 05.30.10
1.Tanning regulations – Ontario, Manitoba & New Brunswick
- Ontario – Bill 31 introduced by NDP Health critic and signed in MLA Ramal to control the Bill to ban tanning under the age of 18, after Bill 83 was dropped.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Dear JCTA Member,
We’ve designed a new website to educate the public about UV light (sunbathing). We believe it’s time that we educate Canadian’s on how not to overexpose themselves and use sunlight the way it was intended ,in moderation. This secret about skin typing is not known by most of the public and the media, this is why so many people sunburn themselves. … continue reading
JCTA Update 06.18.10
Friday, January 25, 2013
JCTA Update 06.18.10
- Tanning regulations – Ontario, Manitoba & New Brunswick & Canada
- Ontario –
- Bill 31 still has not gone to second reading
- Update Meeting scheduled with Premier office June 21st
- Manitoba
- RST Tax(PST 7%) has been passed and will need to be collected as of July 1st on all UV tanning services.