Media Releases
Wedding Season – Spray Tan for ‘The Big Day’
Wedding Season – Spray Tan for ‘The Big Day’
For those brides-to-be that can’t, or prefer not to, get a natural, UV tan, getting a spray tan in a professional salon is the best way to get a perfect gorgeous glow for the most important of occasions, the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) explains.

The Best Place to get a Spray Tan
Kelowna, BC (PRWEB) July 10, 2013
The temperatures are warming up, the flowers are in full bloom, and the bells are ringing – that’s right, it’s wedding season! Thousands of women around Canada are preparing to walk down the aisle, and even with all the countless hours put into preparing the bride for her big day, nothing complements a beautiful white wedding dress like a golden glow of a tan.
For those brides-to-be that can’t, or prefer not to, get a natural, UV tan, getting a spray tan in a professional salon is the best way to get a perfect gorgeous glow for the most important of occasions, the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) explains.
Tanning responsibly starts by knowing your skin type, then choosing a salon that will determine a safe UV exposure time based on your skin type and the specific type of equipment. JCTA member salons ban Skin Type 1’s from UV exposure and suggest they try a cosmetic tan using spray tanning. Others may not be able to get a UV tan because of a skin condition, medications they are taking, or just personal preference. But, with no room for error before the big day, you should only trust professionally trained operators in professionally certified salons to give you the perfect spray tan.
“For such an important event, it wouldn’t be smart to trust a tan from a bottle or a salon where operators may or may not be properly trained and industry certified,” JCTA Executive Director Steve Gilroy says. “Professional, JCTA Member salons feature the best spray tanning equipment and trained employees to ensure that your spray tan will be perfect every time, whether it’s from a state-of-the-art spray booth or a customizable handheld airbrush system.”
The JCTA strongly recommends that consumers search for a salon where the operators of UV and spray equipment are trained and industry certified; that is why we have included a Salon Finder on our new website which will link consumers to local salons that follow and adhere to strict indoor sunbathing guidelines. Consumers should ask to view personal certificates and look for a current JCTA window decal in their salon window.
Spray tanning is a cosmetic tanning service offered by a majority of professional indoor tanning facilities today. While spray tanning lotions have existed for decades, today’s advanced spray tanning technology gives an amazingly natural looking tan. The equipment uses a multi layering systems to prep you, let you choose how dark you want to get, whether you want an instant tan or one that build over time and then it can even apply moisturizing extender. Years of spray equipment engineering and product advancement have brought a new way to deliver a natural looking tan in a fast, convenient and uniform fashion.
“Spray tanning has come a long way from where it began, when there were concerns about turning orange, or getting an uneven tan,” Gilroy says. “Today’s professional spray tans are applied by high-tech equipment and trained operators.”
Since the introduction of the first spray-on tanning device in the late 1990s, dozens of manufacturers and equipment designs have been marketed. There are two major categories of spray-on tanning equipment:
- Spray Booths: A spray-on tanning booth is much like a carefully engineered shower. The client steps into the booth and is literally showered in a matter of seconds with a fine mist of spray-on tanning solution from one or multiple spraying apparatus. The advanced technology is designed so that the spray tanning product attracts to the skin, delivering uniform coverage.
- Handheld Air Brush Systems: Spray-on tanning is also available in simple hand-held device. This type of equipment allows a trained technician to customize the application of the product.
The primary ingredient used in most spray-on tanning equipment today is called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA, a colorless sugar, interacts with the outermost layer of the skin to darken skin color in a period of several hours. It takes about 12-24 hours for the DHA in your skin to reach its full tanning potential and a spray-on tan can last as long as 7-10 days.
For more information and tips on how to get a safe tan, visit
About the Joint Canadian Tanning Association:
The Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) is a national non-profit organization created to increase understanding of the professional tanning industry’s scientifically supported position that regular moderate ultra-violet exposure from sunshine or sunbed in a non-burning fashion is part of a responsible lifestyle that recognizes both the inherent benefits and the manageable risks associated with ultraviolet light exposure.