Media Releases
Tips to Avoid Sunburn, While Still Enjoying a Tan
Tips to Avoid Sunburn, While Still Enjoying a Tan
Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) recommends indoor tanning before outdoor sun exposure.

When tanning indoors or outdoors be Responsible. Everything in Moderation!
Kelowna, BC (PRWEB) June 26, 2013
It’s a classic debate that heats up this time of year as the warmest months arrive and cooped-up Canadians start thinking of fun in the sun — how much time in the sun is too much?
While there are some who argue that any amount of tanning is evidence of skin damage and should be avoided at all costs, the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) advocates a more reasonable and realistic approach.
It’s possible to protect yourself from painful and damaging sunburns at the same time as you tan responsibly and promote adequate, natural vitamin D production, says the association, which represents professional tanning salons across the country.
“The key is to ensure that you never let your skin burn in the sun,” says JCTA Executive Director Steve Gilroy. “Moderate sun exposure and tanning is a natural process and is your body’s way of protecting you from burning, which is where the real damage occurs. Complete sun avoidance isn’t practical or healthy – that’s why we recommend a balanced approach.” A blistering sunburn caused by over exposure can take the fun out of any activity, causing substantial pain and discomfort, and potentially leading to serious health consequences down the road.
While topical sunscreens can be effective at helping prevent sunburns when applied properly, the JCTA recommends that those planning to enjoy the outdoors this summer should first protect themselves by going indoors to professional tanning salons to develop a natural base tan through responsible exposure to Ultra Violet light.
A base tan, or photoprotection, is not damage to the skin, the JCTA says. In fact, developing a base tan aids in protecting a person from damage caused by sun burning and allows Canadians to be exposed to sunlight up to six times longer than if they had no tan.
Trained and industry-certified operators at professional tanning salons will help clients determine skin type to establish if in fact they can produce a base tan. Just as importantly, determining skin type will help the salon establish a responsible exposure schedule for clients to develop a base tan. To build adequate sun protection, the JCTA recommends tanning a minimum of 3 to 6 weeks following the recommended exposure schedule.
“Operators in professional, JCTA-certified tanning salons are trained to administer the correct amount of exposure in order to gradually build up a base tan that provides natural protection from the risk of sunburn,” Gilroy says. “A base tan will allow you to enjoy your time in the sun this summer, while still producing valuable vitamin D the natural way – from the sun.”
Even with the added protection of a suitable base tan, the JCTA warns sun lovers who want to stay outdoors for lengthy periods to avoid overexposure to sun light by seeking shade, covering up with light clothing, using safe sunscreens and wearing sunglasses with UV protection.
For more information about base tans, sunburn avoidance and how to find a professional salon, visit
About the Joint Canadian Tanning Association:
The Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) is a national non-profit organization created to increase understanding of the professional tanning industry’s scientifically supported position that regular moderate ultra-violet exposure from sunshine or sunbed in a non-burning fashion is part of a responsible lifestyle that recognizes both the inherent benefits and the manageable risks associated with ultraviolet light exposure.