Media Releases
Help Celebrate Vitamin D Day on Nov. 2
Help Celebrate Vitamin D Day on Nov. 2
The Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) is encouraging Canadians to join the vitamin D community in support of Vitamin D Day and awareness of the powerful health impacts of the sunshine vitamin.

Vitamin D Day Nov 2nd

Kelowna, BC (PRWEB) November 01, 2013
Vitamin D Day, Saturday, Nov. 2, is a day to recognize vitamin D deficiency as a world problem. Researchers agree that at least one third of the world is deficient in vitamin D, and some scientists even think a greater percent of people are deficient in vitamin D. Why are so many people deficient, it’s simple really, vitamin D from sun exposure. Now, more than ever, the world’s population lives an indoor lifestyle, avoiding the sun daily.
Vitamin D awareness is particularly important this time of year because from around mid-October to mid-March the sun in Canada is not strong enough to stimulate natural vitamin D production. There are more than 100 good reasons to know your vitamin D level and take action to raise them to ideal levels. Most vitamin D experts recommend a vitamin D blood serum level between 100 and 150 nmol/L.
It’s an exciting time for the vitamin D community. Doctors are beginning to discover that vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for many diseases and may make some diseases more severe. They’re also discovering that vitamin D can be an important piece in the treatment of some illnesses and diseases.
Supporting Vitamin D Day is easy. Just learn, education, and participate by checking out the website. Then, take a little time to educate your family and friends. Conquering world vitamin D deficiency starts with better awareness on how we get vitamin D and how we can make sure we’re getting enough. Share a simple key fact from the link above, something your family and friends may not know about. The more people know, the more we can ensure people are getting enough vitamin D. And finally, participate. The easiest ways to get involved are to change your social media avatars to the official Vitamin D Day image, join the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #VitaminDDay, and purchase vitamin D awareness bracelets to raise awareness and support further research and education
Please take the time and learn about vitamin D deficiency this November 2nd, and share what you know with others. Learn, educate and participate; let’s get the word out!
The Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) is a national non-profit organization created to increase understanding of the professional tanning industry’s scientifically supported position that regular moderate ultra-violet exposure from sunshine or sunbed in a non-burning fashion is part of a responsible lifestyle that recognizes both the inherent benefits and the manageable risks associated with ultraviolet light exposure.