Member Updates

JCTA Update 03.08.15

Sunday, March 8, 2015
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JCTA Update 03.08.15


  1. Manitoba – still on hold and we expect sometime after the Premier has been selected on March 8th ,that seconding reading of the Legislation will move forward. The JCTA expects this will move forward quickly. We expect some media, but the governments seem willing to work with us and normally this mean no major media. Web link for legislation
    • Here are the highlights
      • Ban under 18
      • Medical exemption for under 18
      • Ban on self-serve tanning. Nothing on training, but that can be placed in the regulations. JCTA has already been talking to them about this.
      • Advertising restrictions – advertising to someone under 18. This is direct advertising; they removed the word “indirect” as the JCTA requested. And they removed the word tanning salon, so tanning salons can advertise other services – only UV tanning is restricted.
      • They’ll be a new warning signs. We’ll be working on this in the regulations phase. JCTA has already sent them the JCTA Warning Sign to review.
      • Section on Eyewear – JCTA has already discuss this with them. Concern what they mean by “provide” – free or sell.
  2. Alberta calls for regulation sometime in the Spring of 2015. JCTA Lobbyist is looking into what is being purposed – no updates at this time
  3. Saskatchewan – no update on what SK will be doing. We believe they are just waiting for Alberta and Manitoba to finalize their. No Media campaigns so far this year.
    • No further working group meetings.
    • According government sources the government is moving forward with some type of regulations, no timeframe has been given.
  4. Health Canada Draft Guidance Document for Tanning Equipment and RED Act.
    1. JCTA is setting up conference cal
  5. The JCTA’s Government Newsletter continue to go out to promote the industry in a positive light.
  6. GrassrootsHealth short videos” Experts speak out on Sunlight” (18 in total) are now being posted on Tan Naked Facebook page. Please like and share each video. JCTA is paying to boost the post
  7. Check out the Indoor Sunbather’s Right at
  8. The JCTA continues to work with the American Suntanning Association (ASA) from the US on a $400,000 research project which will review 3000 pieces of research to prove that our opponents cannot prove causation of risk. This is expected to be released this summer.
  9. Please make sure that you are tagging your advertising with the “Please Tan Responsibly” message and if at all possible tag with website . This type of message has worked well for alcoholic beverage industry
  10. Auto and Home insurance for Members. It includes a contest to win prizes, so get a quote and enter to win. Contact the JCTA’s insurance broker, LMS Prolink for a quote at 800.663.6828
  11. Tan Naked Facebook page now has over 21,900 followers and growing every time we do a Lotion contest. Positive message posts are now getting between 5000 to 10,000 views per post. Check it out at
  12. The Vitamin D Society in conjunction with Dr R Vieth and Dr Samantha Kimball continue to work on the Sunbed – Vitamin D – Skin Color research project. The JCTA understands the first Draft was completed March 4th. This $75,000 research project will define our industry once it has been peer reviewed and published. WE ASK THAT NO ONE SHARE THIS INFORMATION UNTIL THE RESEARCH PROJECT IS ACCEPTED BY A MEDICAL PUBLICATION. We don’t want any interference from our opponents.
  13. So far there hasn’t been a lot of negative press over the last few months. The JCTA will respond to any negative article, just send us a link to We are also looking for any article that talk about the 75% increase risk for under 35, since the latest research show that risk is cut in ½ under 25 and over 25 is now at 11%. Again our research shows this risk is about where the equipment is located, who operates it and skin type. We have a canned response for this now
  14. Reminder: NEW Section for the JCTA Salon Website – ASK THE JCTA. You need a question answered, just ask us. Whether it be about sales, what the JCTA is doing for you, a question a client ask you and you can’t answer, what I can say and can say or something about a piece of research you read. The JCTA Board has over 100 years of combined experience in the industry and has direct connections to researcher, industry manufacturer that can answer your questions. Just login and click on Member Resource – JCTA Info – Ask the JCTA . If you don’t find the question already asked, then send us your question and we’ll reply as soon as we can.
  15. Reminder: JCTA YouTube video – “Lot of people are doing it” Make sure you Share and Like the video
  16. Reminder JCTA Professional Standards Poster – ready to download. Show you client you care, by downloading and printing the NEW professional Standards Poster. Show you client you follow standard to protect them. There are a number of sizes for the poster, so down load the one that works for you. Just login, go to “Member Resources” go to “Your Resources and click on “Posters”
  17. JCTA Vitamin D and UVB light poster – Doctor Vieth Recommends Sunbeds for making vitamin d. You can purchase the poster at any supplier. Proceed to help fund the marketing campaign. If your bed produces UVB light, make sure your clients know – purchase a poster for every room.
  18. We need more salons to “LIKE” the JCTA Facebook page. Just search “JCTA.Canada”
  19. Discounted insurance for JCTA members. Remember even if you don’t save a lot, the money you pay to become a member, helps protect and market your industry. Why give it to your insurance company.
    • New skin cancer coverage
    • Let the insurance discount pay for your membership and this way you support the continuing work of the JCTA – Marketing campaign, government and media relations
    • Call LMS Prolink for a FREE quote
      • Call Toll Free 800-663-6828 and ask for the JCTA Insurance Policy
    • This is the only insurance broker offering the discount for JCTA members

Thank you all for your support and let us know if we can help.

Hope you season is going well this year. We’ve heard from a lot of salon owners saying they believe this to be a turnaround year.

Steven Gilroy, Executive Director