Positive Feedback

Share a positive experience

Do you have a positive experience with a salon that you’d like to share? Simply fill out the form below and let us know!

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    Important Notice

    The personal information gathered on this form, and in any subsequent submissions you make is collected in compliance with section 38(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Personal Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990 F.31 and the Consumer Protection Act 2002, S.O. 2002 Chap.30, Schedule A, as amended.

    You will not be placed on any mailing lists. Only your first name and your comments could be used to promote the indoor sunbathing community. By submitting this form you declare the information you provide to be true and correct. You are also consenting to the sharing of the information you submit, to the salon, any government ministry (federal or provincial), agency, board or commission, any self-regulatory body or association.

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